My New House
This is a photo album of the house I bought in November 2002. There are 31 images in this series. You can navigate from the links below or view them in sequence from each image page. The two large Bradford Pear trees in the front were destroyed in the ice storm on December 10, 2007. They did provide a lot of nice shade in the summer but were always a nuisance so I am glad they are gone.

From the front Another front view And another Front again
One more Mr. Howard Sparks, Seller Back of the house Back yard
Living room Living room 2 Bookcase Living room again
Entry Hall Dining room Dining room and me
To the kitchen Kitchen, part 1 Kitchen, part 2 Kitchen, part 3
Kitchen, part 4 Kitchen, part 5 A great inspector Bathroom
Shower Shower, other end Den toward the front Den toward the back
Den with Mr. Sparks Utility room Utility room 2