719 S. Sandusky Ave. Tulsa, OK
Ice Storm Damage
December 10, 2007

During the early morning hours of December 10, 2007 a devastating ice storm hit Tulsa, Oklahoma. Both Bradford Pear trees in my front yard split, half on the house and half towards the street. This is how they looked before the storm (and before a couple of limbs broke off the one on the left since 2002) Trees all around the city were destroyed and many homes were without electricity for several days, 9 for me. It took about 5 days total for me to cut up the debris and get it to the curb for the city to pick up. I quickly learned the ZEN of chainsaw use and got some wonderful help from some of the Texas utility company workers who removed the section of limbs from the north side. I was having a difficult time figuring out how I was going to take it down safely and the Texans backed a cherry picker truck into my driveway and took care of it for me.

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